small steps to health tai chi

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Headaches: Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibro Symptoms are most debilitating when they affect the brain, head or face. This is due to the proximity within all our senses and the effects on them. The symptoms are quite diverse, creating emotional effects, sleep disturbances, hypersensitivity to lights, noise and chemical toxins and all accompanied by a range of pain.

Different types of headaches



Intense pain on one side of the head always repeated in the same area. It is accompanied by disturbances of vision and hearing, nausea and vomiting.


Headaches caused by digestive problems

Headahces accompaned by stomach, kidney, intestinal and gallbladder ailments. Sometimes linked with overindulgence of alcohol, feed sensitivies and food additives.


Sinus headaches

Inflammation of the lining of one of the eight sinus cavities can cause a deep, dull chronic ache around the eyes, nose and head.


Anxiety headaches

Pain crosses the forehead.


Tension headaches

These muscle contraction headaches cause mild to moderate pain from the neck to the forehead.

TMJ (Temporomandibular Disorder)

Conditions that affect are associated with the jaw muscles and facial nerves. The onset of TMJ can occur when the jaw twists during movement encompassing opening, closing and lateral motion. The following symptoms may manifest when experiencing TMJ.

Tenderness in the face that can be painful with focus in the jaw bone joint areas, in or around the ear when chewing, speaking and yawning and across the neck and shoulders.

  • Difficulty and pain when trying to open the mouth wide
  • Static lock when the mouth is either in the open or closed position
  • Audible grating, clicking and popping sounds emanating from the jaw joint when chewing, opening and closing the mouth.
  • A feeling of tiredness in the tissue of the face
  • Difficulty in chewing often with a sudden, uncomfortable bite which might be experienced as a sensation of the upper and lower teeth bows not fitting properly together.
  • The side of the face can feel swollen
  • Oversensitivity of the teeth even when there are no underlying dental problems to be found
  • Dizziness
  • Earache
  • Hearing issues including tinnitus
  • Pain in the upper shoulders

The cause of TMJ

  • Arthritis
  • Incorrectly formed bite from upper and lower teeth misalignment
  • Sustained physical injury to the muscles in the head, neck, jaw and joint sections. A heavy impact or whiplash can sometimes lead to TMJ
  • Increased joint pressure caused by clenching and grinding of teeth
  • Wear and displacement upon the soft cushion or disc that is between the ball and socket of the joint (arthritis)
  • Stress leading to facial muscle tightening and teeth clenching

TMJ – The link with stress

Currently stress is believed to a notable factor in TMJ. Undertaking strenuous physical tasks including the lifting of heavy objects can exacerbate TMJ through the overuse of jaw muscles. Stressful environments and situations can lead into TMJ with emphasis on clenching and grinding teeth commonly known as Bruxism.

It is worth discussing any issues with your dentist that you feel are outside regular dental pain experiences, they will be able to talk you through the diagnostic process for TMJ.

Although headaches are triggered differently, there are some general things you can do to help.


Identify your baseline limitations and try to stay within them


Drink plenty of water


Avoid any food triggers


Reduce your screen time


Get your eyes tested


Identify any multiple chemical sensitivities

Such as  air fresheners, cleaners, lighting, etc.

Reducing your stress levels by doing gentle exercise and relaxation such as Tai Chi and Qigong can also help with headaches. Fibro Active offer Tai Chi classes to their members.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a standalone syndrome of symptoms. There are over 200 hundred symptoms that are categorised with 5 main symptoms: Pain, Fatigue, Fibro Fog, Sleep Disturbances and IBS. The cycle of overlapping symptoms are exasperated by stress, trauma and further conditions.

Click on each symptom to find out more.

Fibromyalgia - Pain

A predominant symptom of Fibromyalgia, long term chronic pain can cause damage to a person's health. Fibro pain can be a total onslaught of the central nervous system, this can affect everything.

Fibromyalgia - Stiffness

Stiffness in the muscles often accompanied by cramps and discomforting pain with the muscles feeling tight, making movement feel strenuous

Fibromyalgia - Fatigue

A tiredness that isn't relieved by quality sleep durations. Fatigue exhibits as feelings of physical, mental and emtional exhaustion for long periods.

Fibromyalgia - Headache

Some of the most debilitating symptoms of Fibro are when they affect the brain, head and face. The head is a nexus point for the majority of senses, because of this symptoms can be quite diverse.

Fibromyalgia - Fibro Fog

A deep sensation of cloudiness, a lack of coherrant thoughts in the mind manifesting in a variety of ways. Problems in multi-tasking, recall and confusion are commonplace.

Fibromyalgia - Sleeping Difficulties

Individuals suffering with Fibro tend to find themselves wide awake at bed times due to to disturbances within the inner body clock; the nervous and endocrine systems are often affected.

Fibromyalgia - IBS

The health of the digestive system plays a highly important part in the well being of our bodies. Around 10% of the world's population live with a form of IBS, episodes can last from days to months.

Fibromyalgia - Anxiety & Depression

Mental health is a wide spectrum that encompasses our ability to enjoy life, overcome disappointment and sadness through emotional and spiritual resilience.

Programmes and activities that Fibro Active offer to help manage your symptoms

Fibro Active have several programmes and activities that can help you with your symptoms of Fibromyalgia.  We focus on a healthy lifestyle, gentle exercise and sharing information whilst supporting it's members to accept and manage their illness in a positive and friendly atmosphere.


Tai Chi & Qigong Classes

Tai Chi for Arthritis is designed to enable people to be active when they are unable to participate in other forms of exercise. For more information as well as times and dates please visit our Tai Chi page.


Fibro Podcast

Tune in to our Fibro Podcasts, where we showcase candid discussions, expert insights, and personal narratives addressing diverse facets of life with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


Bulletin Board

For additional details about the group, explore our Bulletin Board. There, you'll discover current information on all the activities the group engages in, ranging from upcoming events to the group program.