Fun Interactive Educational Nutrition Programme
Fibro Active is starting a new and exciting nutritional programme starting in January 2021. It has been developed by two friendly and professional nutritionists (Sophie and Rachel)
Most importantly, the program has been created with you in mind.
The programme aims to empower and support those living with Fibromyalgia, and other related health conditions, to achieve healthier food habits and ultimately improve life quality.
The programme will also involve a number of interactive educational sessions, workshops, and the opportunity to have 1:1 coaching sessions.
We are also producing a recipe book, built by members, for members. If you have not yet submitted a recipe, please head over to our Facebook page to contribute!
Free Health Assessment
Set personal goals
Receive support reaching goals
Assess progress throughout
Regular educational practice sessions
Quick and easy cooking skills
Basis of a healthy gut - IBS
Improve nutritional knowledge
Make confident food choices
Mediterranean and anti-inflammatory diets
Rely less on processed foods
Guest speakers such as psychology and food
What others have to say
“The book is a great reference point for healthy eating and I do make use of the eat well plate for percentage of food and the goal setting too.”
“The main benefit for me has been to evaluate my diet and make sure I am eating a balance of nutritious things.”
“I am able to manage peaks and troughs of energy better and anticipate energy drops before it happens and choosing a healthier option”
“I do enjoy the interaction with others and do find it very helpful to talk to everyone about our different experiences of our journeys and what we are all learning”
“I find it informative, interesting and it’s an enjoyable social gathering on zoom during lockdown.”
Programme Leaders

Registered AfN nutritionist (ANutr), Food and Human Nutrition (BSc)
Sophie has been working with members of Fibro Active for around a year before setting up the programme ActiveAte. She wanted to offer a members a structured and comprehensive programme which was especially tailored to meet the needs of those with Fibromyalgia. Alongside her PhD research in Food Nutrition and Dietetics at The University of Nottingham, Sophie has worked with various charities and organisations and is committed to supporting the public improve their health. She is passionate about providing evidence-based information and believes that with the appropriate support and resources members can increase their confidence and reach their goals.

Food and Human Nutrition (Bsc), BDA Dietitian in training
Food and Human Nutrition (Bsc), BDA Dietitian in training
Rachel studied nutrition alongside Sophie at university, and they have remained friends ever since! Since graduating in from her first degree, Rachel has spent the past three years pursuing her career in dietetics. Dietetics is a branch of nutritional science which enables the health care professional to support and treat individuals with a broad range of complex health problems, ranging from diabetes to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). She is passionate about assessing individuals’ holistic needs including everything from mental health to sleep, all of which are important in developing healthy relationships with food. Rachel believe that even small changes can have a dramatic influence on the wellbeing of the individual – all progress should be celebrated!
Together Sophie and Rachel make the perfect team to support you through the ActiveAte programme