We have incorporated the government’s initiative the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ into our own programme and called it the ‘Fibro 5’. The 5 Ways to Fibro Wellbeing.
The following slider is linked to our own versions specific to the limitations of our group members.
Fibro 5 Challenge
Since 2018, we’ve been encouraging you to participate in various engaging activities, ranging from a 5k family and dog walk, treasure hunts, and pampering events to our Walking for Awareness challenge. To explore our latest Fibro 5 Challenge, visit the Fibro 5 Challenge page.

How do we connect as a group into the wider community?
- We use social media and magazine articles to advertise what we do and celebrate our accomplishments
- We connect with other local organisations for funding, support, to work in partnership, sign posting and information sharing
- We have an outreach stand at community events to connect with the community direct
- We distribute leaflets in key areas such as Dr’s surgeries, pain clinics and community centres
- We email a bi-monthly newsletter with our programme
- We have a website
How do we connect with our members as a group?
- We have our closed Facebook Group which connects our members together
- We hold weekly meetings
- We email a bi-monthly newsletter with our programme
- We have a website where we post blogs and videos of our activities
- We ask for feedback to see how we are all doing
Members feedback about how we as a group Connect
Make an effort to talk to people
Be aware of tendency to withdraw and learn that you can join a new group and will be encouraged to meet new friends
Join a group to make new friends such as LEMAC
Making twiddlemuffs for dementia sufferers
Be friendly with people when dealing with problems. Council workers/ health people, their lives might be stressful too
Outreaching to lonely people, say hello to a neighbour
Tai Chi connects your mind and body
Go to the library if you haven’t for a while. It is a place to pick up local activities, groups and a wealth of information
Make a friend – Some young and old. An older person is interesting to listen to and a younger person is happy to learn
Do not be abusive

Be Active
How is the group active?
Along with Facebook Group Challenges, the groups programme encourages members to keep moving with a programme of:
Tai Chi & Qigong
How do our members keep Active?
- Our members attend and actively take part in group meetings.
- Our Facebook members actively join in discussions and post articles.
- Our members actively support the group by helping with events and fundraising.
- Our members are benefiting from being active by increasing their muscle strength and flexibility and reducing pain and the risk of trips and falls.
- By being active members have found their moods have lifted and they have something positive to look forward to each week.
Feedback from members about Being Active
Tai Chi – exercise
Signposting experts who can provide a tailored exercise programme eg Cliffords Health Club
Group Walks
Exercise and know you are better for it, but enjoy even if you do a little
Walk more, leave your car at home – Only do your limit
Use your mind as well as your body
Learn a new way to help yourself. Ask a friend to join your new you
Going out in a safe environment with company that understand

Take Notice
How does the group Take Notice?
The group is always looking for opportunities to help members. This could be noticing an advert for art classes, a new mobility shop opening or a specialist offering their services to support the group.
The group networks at local partnership events and takes notice of services available to the group and making members aware of what is out there in the local community.
The group aims to be positive and inclusive to help members improve their mental wellbeing.
We have Relate workshops once a month covering subjects such as: acceptance and loss, family dynamics, anxiety, conflict resolution and confidence building. We can reflect on our experiences and relate to others in the group.
How do group members Take Notice?
Group members are aware of how other members are feeling.
Members listen other members and can relate to other’s experiences helping them accept their illness.
Members learn to listen to their bodies and identify their limitations.
Members take notice of lifestyle changes that will help manage their illness.
Feedback from members about Taking Notice
Take notice of what your body is saying and don’t overdo it!
Take notice of other’s feelings
Take notice of the things around you on the monthly walks
Take time to listen and be understanding
Enjoy your times with family and help them as they need help too
Think of the positive, share thoughts and experiences in a positive way. EG:
Facebook group.
Take notice of what I eat.
Nutrition: Take notice of personal intake
Tai Chi: Take notice of own body and environment around you.

Keep Learning
How does the group keep learning?
- By attending training courses and networking events.
- By qualifying as Tai Chi for Arthritis instructors, first aiders, mental health champions.
- Keeping relevant in safeguarding and other policies
- Reading up to date information about the illness.
How do the members keep learning?
- Members have tried new art techniques and then attended art courses and groups in the community.
- Two commmittee members have learned Tai Chi for arthritis and trained as instructors to sustain the group sessions.
- Members attend Tai Chi classes
- Members learn about nutrition and lifestyle and how it can reduce pain and stress and improve sleep and brain function.
- Members learn about how to pace themselves and avoid boom and bust.
Monthly Weigh In

In conjunction with the nutrition and life style workshops you have a choice of a monthly weigh in.
It is advised that you stick to the same scales each time you are weighed to get a more accurate measure.
Our weigh ins are there to keep you focussed on your goal in a friendly and supportive environment whether you are wanting to lose weight, gain weight or maintain.
Feedback from members about Keep Learning
Do not be afraid to learn and listen
New learning the Tai Chi moves
Learn about nutrition and how it affects your condition
Try new things you haven’t thought of before
Take up a hobby or pastime and enjoy your possibilties
Take a course that will benefit you and possibly others. If struggling with technology join a beginners computer course, then help others
Learn to accept what you can’t do and understand that there are still things you can do and enjoy. EG Tai Chi
Learn new healthy recipes

How do we give as a group?
- We invite you to join our group so that we can give you the support you are searching for
- We give emotional support to help you look out as well as in
- We signpost you to other groups and services linking you to the wider community
- Our group is positive and inclusive
How do we give as members?
- Members welcome new members to the group
- Members like to bake lots of lovely cakes and biscuits to share with the group
- Members ensure we keep the meetings positive so that we keep the group uplifted
- Members volunteer their time where they can to help support others
- Committee, Mental Health Champions, Buddies and Out reach and fundraising linking them to the wider community and creating connections
- Members give feedback to help us keep on track
Feedback from members about Giving
Give time and friendship to others
Helping others newly diagnosed to accept and manage their condition
Helping others who need a friend
Give your time to friends and family when possible
You need support too. A good friend or friends are a blessing
Nutrition – healthy snacks for the group
Be positive and make new friends
Tai Chi gives time and patience – 2 group members trained as instructors