September 2019 Newsletter
I hope you all have had a fabulous summer! We have been more group focused this summer. We had a visit from Councillor Briggs and County Councillor Alan Griffiths at the beginning of August and we held our first BBQ Celebration with just under 40 people attending. We want to celebrate all our fabulous members as they are the real warriors, battling whatever life throws at them on top of their chronic conditions. The average meeting attendance for July was 12.2 and August was 13.25. Our Facebook group has increased to 413. In the 30 days prior to July 14th, we have had 636 visits on our website.

Group Programme
Tai Chi for Arthritis

These are some of our Fibro Active TCA Part 2 students being put through their paces by Chris.
They have all benefited with increasing their muscle strength and improving their posture.
Symptom of the Month
In July we themed symptom of the month with sleep to coincide with Sharrie’s visit from Think Hypno, who was also looking at sleep. Both sessions explored sleep hygiene and keeping the bedroom solely for sleep. Sharrie took us through a deep relaxation and members received either a cd or mp3 copy of the relaxation to play as part of their night-time routine. Julie will continue with the sleep theme in September to complete the subject.
Emotional Support

Sue from Open Minds allowed Julie and Philippa to join her session in July. We were exploring how the group was cohesive, starting with Philippa who looked into Tuckman’s theories and connected them to how we have to leave work and then start the norming phase when we join the group. Julie reaffirmed some of the groups rules and Sue concluded by taking the group on a journey to highlight what a positive and cohesive group we are.

In August, Sue went back to basics and took us through a relaxation session. Identifying different ways to relax. The foggy mood from the whole group found us digressing away from the planned programme and we went on a strange journey.
Cuppa and Chat
The cuppa and chat sessions are great for everyone to interact. It’s also a good time to bring everyone up to date with group stuff.

We had a VIP visit at the beginning of August with the Deputy Mayor: Donna Briggs and County Councillor Alan Griffiths attending. They took part in the Tai Chi class and then sat and talked to members.

In July Philippa came in and we made our own inspirational journals that we could put positive messages in. When we are feeling low, we can look through them and write our own thoughts in. It’s a useful way to self- support when we are feeling isolated.
For members who couldn’t make it last time, they got the chance to make a Fibro First Aid box.
In August we got all messy experimenting with pour painting. Everyone really enjoyed it as there was no thinking involved, just pure play.
It’s also great to see younger members attending too. They have been with us a few weeks now and have embraced everything the group has had to offer.

Tai Chi Open Classes

Free Tai Chi in the Park Practice Sessions

Last Saturday in the Month, 10am – 11am at the floral gardens on West Park
Events: BBQ Celebration
On Thursday August 22nd, we held our first BBQ celebration for group members and Open Tia Chi Students. It was a fabulous evening, we started with an hour of Tai Chi while the food was cooking. We started the warm up outside but soon found everyone was being bitten by mozzies so we retreated back in. We went through each form a couple of times and then presented Tai Chi students T-shirts and certificates. Congratulations and well done everyone! We followed the presentations with a fabulous spread and a little bit of entertainment Pandam Style

Coming up….
Fibro Active Autumn Group Programme

For more information about the group and our open Tai Chi classes please visit:
If you are intrigued to see the video of our Pandam Style, BBQ entertainment you can find it on the Fibro 5 Challenge on fb. If you like it, please share it))