Terms & Conditions
Member Registeration
Terms & Conditions
The requirements relating to members and membership for the Fibro Active Group including the responsibilities of the group committee covering fees / costs, meetings, rules and regulations.
Small Steps to Health Terms & Conditions
The requirements and consent relating to members and membership for the Fibro Active Small Steps to Health classes.
Data Protection Policy
Policy for detailing the type of data that is stored in both online and offline contexts, determining legal compliance with UK GDPR law, with obligations to be observed by members, volunteers, supporters and its committee
Data Protection Procedures
The methods and systems utlilised by Fibro Active to ensure that personal data is stored securely, explanations of what type of data is required, what it will be used for according to positive consent given.
Terms & Conditions
Membership Terms & Condition to Fibro Active Support Group
Membership for access to Fibro Active Support group.
The Aims of the group shall be to:
• Provide support for sufferers of Fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and their carers; and
• Remain a positive and inclusive group that focuses on healthy lifestyles, light exercise, support and sharing information as well as educating members about their condition and helping them move forward with the acceptance and management of illness.
To further these aims the Fibro Active committee shall have power to:
• Obtain, collect and receive money or funds by way of contributions, donations, grants and any other lawful method towards the aims of the Group;
• Associate local authorities, voluntary organisations and the residents of Erewash in a common effort to carry out the aims of the Group; and
• Do all such lawful things as will further the aims of the Group.
a. Membership of the group shall be open to any person aged 18 years or over, living or located in the Erewash area, who is willing to abide by the constitution and is interested in helping the group to achieve its aims, and willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Management Committee. Members from outside the Erewash area are also welcome however they will not be able to access further facilities and health classes offered by Erewash Borough Council.
b. Membership shall be available to anyone without regard to age, gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief.
c. Every individual full member shall have the right to attend the Annual General Meetings, at which they shall be entitled to one vote.
d. The Management Committee shall have the power to approve or reject applications for membership or to terminate the membership of any member provided that the member shall have the right to be heard by the committee before a final decision is made.
e. Membership will begin as soon as a consent form has been submitted and approved. Membership is life time or until the member wishes to leave the group, except where clause d above is applicable.
f. A list of all members will be kept by the membership secretary, taking account of the principles of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Membership Subscriptions & Fees
Members have a choice of two subscriptions. These fees go towards costs of the group, such as venue hire and various group activities. Members may be expected to pay an additional fee to be determined by the Management Committee for trips, craft supplies and other activities incurring additional cost to the Group.
1. The Emperor Purple Membership (Full Membership) which is £10.50 per month. Prices may be increased in the future, but all members will be notified 3 months in advance
Full membership includes:
- Access to all group meetings
- Acess to all zoom meetings
- Group T-Shirt
- Newsletter
2. The Holly Blue Membership (Single Meeting Membership) which is £3 per session and must pay in person. Prices may be increased in the future, but all members will be notified 3 months in advance
Single meeting membership includes:
- Access to group meeting*
- Pay in person
- Newsletter
*Members with this membership are required to contact Fibro Active before attending any meetings to confirm if there is room available in that session.
Additional Optional Memberships & Fees (Small Steps to Health)
Fibro Active offers members and non-members subscriptions to Tai Chi or Qigong classes. More information on what is involved in these classes can be found on Tai Chi webpage.
Subscriptions for these classes are:
1. Lotus Membership (Option 1) which is £21 per month for 1 weekly Tai Chi/Qigong Class. Prices may be increased in the future, but all members will be notified 3 months in advance.
2. Lotus Membership (Option 2) which is £33.75 per month for 2 weekly Tai Chi/Qigong Classes. Prices may be increased in the future, but all members will be notified 3 months in advance.
Tai Chi and Qigong classes are conducted by certified instructors and are open to any suitable person; provided they are medically fit, are independently mobile and can participate without assistance in class. Any participant who has any doubt whether they are medically fit to attend class, is required to have medical clearance from their doctor before commencing. In terms of physical exertion, the tai chi exercises in this programme would be similar to walking. Classes usually last one hour. Participants are encouraged to rest during class if needed and work within their comfort level at all times. Participants are required to do warm-up exercises at the beginning of the class and cool down exercises at the end. Participants must wear flat supportive footwear.
Acknowledgement of personal responsibility/ waiver (Small Steps to Health)
In signing up for this membership (classes), you understand that there is an inherent risk in any exercise activity. Members must agree to abide by the rules set out.
In consideration for admission to this class, you must:
(a) accept full responsibility for and assume the risk of any injuries sustained because of your participation in these qigong classes or practicing tai chi;
(b) release and hold harmless Fibro Active; their respective officers, shareholders and directors; the instructors and all personnel in association with this class for any liabilities, injuries and expenses which may arise as a result in participation in this class or practice of lessons involving tai chi or qigong.
You must also know of no medical reasons why you should not participate in this class and understand that, if you do have any medical reasons why you should not participate in this class, it is your responsibility to obtain clearance from your doctor before commencing.
By signing up for a Fibro Active Lotus Membership, you also consent for Fibro Active to hold your personal contact details for the duration of the course and to forward any further information on Tai Chi and Qigong.
Members must understand that Fibro Active will not use your details for any other purpose and will not pass them on to a third party.
New members must make sure they have their emergency contact details updated in their accounts or give emergency contact details to Fibro Active via email or in person.
Group meetings
Meetings are held on Tuesdays from 11am to 1pm at Petersham Community Hall, Grasmere Rd, Long Eaton, Derbyshire. NG10 4DZ unless stated otherwise on facebook group or mailing list.
Members are encouraged to join a closed group on Facebook as All updates, information links and discussions are posted on there. It is key for keeping members who are unable to attend the meeting to keep in contact. However, if you do not have Facebook, we can arrange for you to be put on a mailing list.
Group Rules & Procedures
As a committee we have the responsibility to ensure that the legalities of the group are adhered to. We only offer activities with qualified instructors and we can only work within the perimeters of our knowledge.
To ensure we maintain quality standards, the committee are accountable to our partner organisations, local services and organisations we have qualified with
Being accountable for the groups actions means there are some things we can and cannot do.
We are not able to recommend any medication or supplements either prescribed or over the counter. Because above all else, we are not qualified, and we do not have the knowledge. You must only seek advice from your GP. Dietitians are only able to recommend Vit D and Probiotics.
Management & Committee Meetings
a. A Management Committee elected annually at the Annual General meeting shall manage the group.
b. The committee shall consist of a chair, secretary, treasurer, and at least one other voting member.
c. The committee may co-opt up to a further 4 voting members who shall stand down at the next Annual General Meeting.
d. The committee shall meet monthly. Committee members will receive dates for the year ahead at each AGM. Venues, dates and times for each meeting will be confirmed at least 1 week prior to each meeting.
e. At least 3 committee members must be present at a committee meeting to be able to make decisions.
f. Voting at Management Committee meetings shall be by a show of hands. If there is a tied vote, then the Chair shall have a second vote.
g. The Management Committee may, for a good and proper reason, remove any Committee member, provided the member has the right to be heard prior to a final decision being made.oting at Management Committee meetings shall be by a show of hands. If there is a tied vote, then the Chair shall have a second vote.
h. Any Committee member not attending a meeting for three months without apology will be contacted by the Committee Chair to ascertain their circumstances with a view to determining whether they must resign.
i. A proper record of all transactions and meetings shall be kept.
Fibro Active Data Protection Policy
1) Definitions
- Personal data is information about a person which is identifiable as being about them. It can be stored electronically or on paper, and includes images and audio recordings as well as written information.
- Data protection is about how we, as an organisation, ensure we protect the rights and privacy of individuals, and comply with the law, when collecting, storing, using, amending, sharing, destroying or deleting personal data.
2) Responsibility
- Overall and final responsibility for data protection lies with the management committee, who are responsible for overseeing activities and ensuring this policy is upheld.
- All volunteers are responsible for observing this policy, and related procedures, in all areas of their work for the group.
3) Overall policy statement
- Fibro Active needs to keep personal data about its committee, members, volunteers and supporters in order to carry out group activities.
- We will collect, store, use, amend, share, destroy or delete personal data only in ways which protect people’s privacy and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation – UK (GDPR) and other relevant legislation.
- We will only collect, store and use the minimum amount of data that we need for clear purposes, and will not collect, store or use data we do not need.
- We will only collect, store and use data for:
- purposes for which the individual has given explicit consent, or
- purposes that are in our group’s legitimate interests, or
- contracts with the individual whose data it is, or
- to comply with legal obligations, or
- to protect someone’s life, or
- to perform public tasks.
- We will provide individuals with details of the data we have about them when requested by the relevant individual.
- We will delete data if requested by the relevant individual, unless we need to keep it for legal reasons.
- We will endeavour to keep personal data up-to-date and accurate.
- We will store personal data securely.
- We will keep clear records of the purposes of collecting and holding specific data, to ensure it is only used for these purposes.
- We will not share personal data with third parties without the explicit consent of the relevant individual, unless legally required to do so.
- We will endeavour not to have data breaches. In the event of a data breach, we will endeavour to rectify the breach by getting any lost or shared data back. We will evaluate our processes and understand how to avoid it happening again. Serious data breaches which may risk someone’s personal rights or freedoms will be reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours, and to the individual concerned.
- To uphold this policy, we will maintain a set of data protection procedures for our committee and volunteers to follow.
4) Review
This policy will be reviewed every two years.
Date – September 1st 2021

Fibro Active Data Protection Procedures
1) Introduction
- Fibro Active has a data protection policy which is reviewed regularly. In order to help us uphold the policy, we have created the following procedures which outline ways in which we collect, store, use, amend, share, destroy and delete personal data.
- These procedures cover the main, regular ways we collect and use personal data. We may from time to time collect and use data in ways not covered here. In these cases, we will ensure our Data Protection Policy is upheld.
2) General procedures
- Data will be stored securely. When it is stored electronically, it will be kept in password protected files. When it is stored online in either the groups own website or a 3rd party (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox) we will ensure the third party comply with the GDPR. When it is stored on paper it will be filed carefully in a locked filing cabinet.
- When we no longer need data, or when someone has asked for their data to be deleted, it will be deleted securely. We will ensure that data is permanently deleted from computer files and or databases, and that paper data is shredded.
- We will keep records of consent given for us to collect, use and store data. These records will be stored securely.
3) Overall policy statement
- We will maintain a mailing list. This will include the names and contact details of people who wish to receive, publicity and fundraising appeals from Fibro Active.
- When people sign up to the list, we will explain how their details will be used, how they will be stored, and that they may ask to be removed from the list at any time. We will ask them to give separate consent to receive publicity and fundraising messages, and will only send them messages which they have expressly consented to receive.
- We will not use the mailing list in any way that the individuals on it have not explicitly consented to.
- We will provide information about how to be removed from the list with every mailing.
- We will use mailing list providers who store data within the UK
4) Selling merchandise
- From time to time we produce and sell group branded apparel, accessories and stationery.
- Ordering of merchandise may be completed via online application or through offline media, a set of details including a contact person and address location would be required in order to send the items on.
- When ordering, people will be asked if they wish to be added to our mailing list (see section 3). If they do not opt to be on the mailing list, their details will be deleted within one month of processing their order, and will not be used for any purpose other than communicating with them about their order.
5) Contacting Volunteers
- Local people volunteer for Fibro Active in a number of ways.
- We will maintain a list of contact details of our recent volunteers. We will share volunteering opportunities and requests for help with the people on this list.
- People will be removed from the list if they have not volunteered for the group for 12 months.
- When contacting people on this list, we will provide a privacy notice which explains why we have their information, what we are using it for, how long we will keep it, and that they can ask to have it deleted or amended at any time by contacting us.
- To allow volunteers to work together to organise for the group, it is sometimes necessary to share volunteer contact details with other volunteers. We will only do this with explicit consent.
6) Contacting Committee Members
- The committee need to be in contact with one another in order to run the organisation effectively and ensure its legal obligations are met.
- Committee contact details will be shared among the committee.
- Committee members will not share each other’s contact details with anyone outside of the committee, or use them for anything other than Fibro Active business, without explicit consent.
7) Review
These procedures will be reviewed every two years.
Date – September 1st 2021