small steps to health tai chi

Thank you for registering

Small Steps to Health Membership

Welcome to your new membership for Lotus Tai Chi/Qijong small steps to health.

Please remember to look out for your activation email, this will contain a link that you have to manually click on to signify that you are a real person to our server.

As an extra added bit of security, we also have a secondary approval system that requires our membership committee member to further vet the application.

It is a great pleasure to have you with us, we want all of our members to understand that they are very welcome and we are confident that you will gain so much as you attend and participate in our sessions. For the class schedule and other information, check out our tai chi page here.

What to Expect


All our classes are conducted by certified instructors


Please ask your doctor to confirm your medical fitness before attending


Classes last approximately 1 hour


Participants can rest during the class if they so desire


Classes incorperate warm-up and warm-down exercises


Please wear flat supportive footwear


Classes address falls prevention components


Participants are advised to regularly practice in between classes, extra support can be found on the Small Steps to Health Facebook page and whatsapp page

Class Etiquette


We appreciate fitness levels and abilities will vary between students


Classes start promptly, please turn up to start on time


Participants are encouraged to ask questions throughout the class


We address the class as a whole. We will only address an individual to correct posture if directly asked to.


Please put your phone on silent


Be positive and have fun!