November 2019 Newsletter
Hello, and welcome to our final newsletter of 2019. It’s been a cracking year for the group with an increase in members, attendances and brand recognition within the community. We have seen an increase in demand for all our Tai Chi classes, we even held our first Tai Chi Celebration BBQ! More younger people are coming to group meetings; having said that, the change in the season has not been kind this autumn, with air pressure going up and down like a yoyo, it has had a big effect on all of us, this is reflected in our average attendance for September which was 9.1 and October 11.4 . Our Facebook group has increased to 426. So, let’s have a look what we have been getting up to…
Group Programme
Tai Chi for Arthritis

We have TCA part 1 beginners starting at almost every group session. They are inspired by our other members; some have been practising for over 2 ½ years. Everyone is on their own Tai Chi journey, it doesn’t matter how quickly or slowly you move forward, it’s the taking part that counts. With regular practice you soon feel the benefits.
Symptom of the Month
We completed the sleep theme in September and looked at different ways our sleep can be disturbed, followed by hints and tips on how to improve our sleep hygiene and routine.
In October we started to look at IBS with a brief overview of the subject. What it is, diet, lifestyle and medicines followed by further support.
Emotional Support
We completed the sleep theme in September and looked at different ways our sleep can be disturbed, followed by hints and tips on how to improve our sleep hygiene and routine.
In October we started to look at IBS with a brief overview of the subject. What it is, diet, lifestyle and medicines followed by further support.

Sometimes a smaller group can be more effective than a larger group. In September, Sue from Open Minds delivered a very interactive session about the positives and negatives of social media. It was interesting to see how many of us are addicted to our phones, but at the same time see it as a lifeline when you are isolated.

Cuppa and Chat

We had a few hard-core members turn up for Tai Chi and cuppa and chat. The weather was not the best, but we kept warm and cosy in the corner with a cuppa and biscuits. We shared some ideas and we have come up with a good event for the spring. So, watch this space!!

In September, Philippa brought in lots of dried pulses and pasta for the members to make a mandala, knowing that it is only temporary, but everyone worked collectively to make a beautiful piece of art and then symbolically let it go. It’s how you let it go that counts!

We had a de-stressing craft session in October. On another rainy day, we got the adult colouring books out and took advantage of the free Costa Coffee at the Co-op. Well it would have been rude not to…
Tai Chi Open Classes

Free Tai Chi in the Park Practice Sessions

The ground is far too wet now so we will be having a break until the New Year. We have booked Petersham Hall on the last Saturdays of January and February from 10am to 11am for practice sessions. We just ask for a small contribution towards the rent that will be divided between the attendees.
For more information about the group and our open Tai Chi classes please visit:
If you are intrigued to see what the ‘panda’monium has been about, click on the links
below, or visit our Fibro 5 Challenge page on Facebook.
Coming up….
November is themed as Mental Health month at the group. We have our last fundraiser of the year at the Long Eaton Christmas Lights Switch on. November 28th. We are putting up a tree at St Laurence’s Church Christmas Tree Festival that runs in conjunction. We have 19 members booked on the Christmas meal this year.
Fibro Active Autumn Group Programme

Don’t forget to put our AGM in your diaries. We will be launching a new project.
Choose Fibro Active as your local CO-OP community funding cause

Fibro Active has been nominated to be a Co-op local cause. We are asking Co-op members to choose us as their nominated cause. We will get 1% of own brand sales for the next 12 months.
Not a Co-op member? You can sign up for just £1 here.