March 2019 Newsletter
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to read the Fibro Active’s March edition of the newsletter.
It’s buzzing at the hall, with new members walking through the door each week since Christmas along with some returning members that we haven’t seen for a while. Our average attendance for February has increased by 3 to 13. Our Facebook group has increased from 344 in November to 373 today. A couple of members have escaped this week lol! And we have had over 400 individual visits to our website during the past 90 days.
We are also busy putting together our contribution to the World Tai Chi and Qigong day in April and Energise our wellbeing event in May.
Group Programme
Tai Chi for Arthritis
The Tai Chi for Arthritis group sessions are continuing to go well with Chris Davenport taking the main group and Jane and I can split to mixed abilities as new members attend. We have also attended another training course to allow us to offer a new form, Tai Chi for Beginner’s, yang style. This is a short 6 move course which allows our students to progress when they have completed the Tai Chi for Arthritis Part’s 1 & 2

Nutrition and Lifestyle
We are still searching for a nutritionist who can run a monthly workshop as eating healthily and understanding how our body works at a molecular level is key to managing a good part of our illness.
Symptom of the Month
In the mean time we were starting to realise that new members were being referred to us with little knowledge of their symptoms, so we have started a session called Symptom of the Month. So far, we have had an overview of the syndrome and now we will be exploring pain for a few sessions. The idea is that the information is researched from credible sources and presented to the group, who in turn discuss the subject and then the information will be blogged onto the website.
Emotional Support
Sue from Open Minds is coming in once a month to add a bit of spice to our cuppa and chat sessions. We start with a 10-minute relaxation and then have 2 short workshops either side of a break. Some areas we have covered include: anxiety and coping tools, panic attacks and we are looking at designing our personal group journals and fibro first aid boxes.

Sharrie Manno from Think Hypno has attended for a second time, focusing on reasons why we eat. Members had a 30-minute talk exploring our eating habits, followed by a 30-minute group hypnotherapy session. Each member received a relaxation disc to listen to daily.

Monthly Walks
We have been making the group walks a little more interesting by making clues for the Fibro 5 Challenge Treasure Hunt and doing a dummy run with members not familiar with the area. This has been a great way to involve the group members in the preparations.

Group AGM
Our group’s AGM was on January 15th. It was a well-attended event. We voted 3 new Committee members on board who have a variety of skills and experience to help steer the group forward. Jane’s homemade cake went down well as always!
Fibro 5 Challenge
The next Fibro 5 Challenge is a treasure hunt at the Energise, Wellbeing Event on West Park on Saturday May 11th. We are inviting all clubs, groups, services and organisations to attend and connect with the community. You could stand a stall, demonstrate skills or have mini come and try it sessions. For more details and a registration form please email:
Tai Chi for Arthritis with Falls Prevention Open Classes
We currently have a waiting list for our next course that will start after Easter at Petersham Community Hall on Monday afternoons.
Our next evening course will start in May 6.30pm – 7.30pm at Broad Street Spiritualist Church, Long Eaton.
Fundraising and Awareness

We currently have a waiting list for our next course that will start after Easter at Petersham Community Hall on Monday afternoons.
Our next evening course will start in May 6.30pm – 7.30pm at Broad Street Spiritualist Church, Long Eaton.
Coming up….
World Tai Chi and Qigong day is also launching our free Tai Chi in the Park practice sessions on the last Saturday of each month. The time will change slightly from this event and we will publicise this nearer the time. All Tai Chi students are welcome. There will be no tuition at the practice sessions.